Platform Development
Blockchain Crowdfunding

What is blockchain crowdfunding?


Blockchain crowdfunding is an innovative way to raise funds for projects and ideas using the power of cryptocurrency. By taking advantage of the immutable nature of the blockchain, crowdfunding campaigns are able to improve transparency and trust between project creators and their supporters.

En particular, blockchain crowdfunding provides a more secure platform for project creators to track contributions, easily manage and update their projects, and securely store records of all transactions. This helps eliminate any risk associated with malicious actors disrupting a campaign or manipulating data. It also simplifies the process for donors, who can make secure payments from anywhere in the world and trust that their money is going to an honest project.

How does a platform work? blockchain crowdfunding

Blockchain-based crowdfunding platforms use smart contracts to define the terms of a funding campaign, including the amount of money needed and the time it will take to release the funds. The platform also allows donors to track their contributions in real time and browse campaigns offering terms they agree to.

Smart contracts also provide an additional layer of security for creators and donors by blocking funds until predetermined conditions are met. This ensures that project creators get paid when their work is complete, and that donors don't waste their money on projects that never get done.

Overall, blockchain crowdfunding is revolutionizing the way we get financial support for our ideas. By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, crowdfunding platforms can provide a safe and transparent space for creative projects to get the funding they need without any worries.

blockchain crowdfunding

platform development Blockchain Crowdfunding

At Devtop we have developed an innovative blockchain-based crowdfunding platform to help innovators and creators bring their ideas to life.

Our platform is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, allowing project creators to set up campaigns with customizable smart contracts that define the conditions for the release of funds. Donors will also enjoy secure payments, guaranteed transparency.

The platform has an administrative panel where you can filter the projects to be published, as well as assign a service fee for its use. The projects are evaluated before they appear on the platform and users can consult them at any time, making donations or investing in the projects they like.


The blockchain crowdfunding platform is an innovative way to connect ideas with investors, allowing innovators to get the financial support they need. With our secure blockchain technology and customizable smart contracts, you can be sure that your funding is secure and transparent.

of smart contracts with Solidity

Solidity, the programming language specialized in smart contracts for various blockchain platforms.

Solidity's syntax is based on ECMAScript, and similar to other languages ​​such as JavaScript and C, but with the difference of implementing strong typing when declaring the type of variables and arguments. This is so to guarantee the rigor of the contract.

The contracts developed for the crowdfunding platform have hours of functional and security tests to guarantee their operation. 

solidity developer

Hire the development for your platform Blockchain Crowdfunding

If you want your company to join the blockchain, at DEVTOP we are willing to accompany you throughout this process, since we have professional developers specialized in blockchain.

For hours

Hire a specialized hourly developer for your project, paying only for the hours used in development.

Part Time

Hire a specialized part-time developer for your project, exclusively dedicated half-time throughout the month.

Full time

Hire a specialized developer Full time for your projects, you will have 160 hours per month for assignments.


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