Angular v16, what's new in the latest version

What is Angular v16?


Angular v16 is the latest version of the popular JavaScript framework developed by Google. This release continues Angular's legacy of providing a robust and flexible platform for developing single page web applications (SPAs). With the introduction of new features and optimizationsAngular v16 promises to be more efficient, faster, and easier to use than its predecessors, while maintaining consistent backward compatibility.

When did Angular v16 come out?

Angular v16 was officially released on June 14th, 2023. With this release, Google continues its semi-annual update cycle for Angular, ensuring that the framework stays up to date with the latest technologies and trends in web development.

What's new in Angular v16

Angular v16 brings with it a number of exciting features and improvements. Some of the most notable ones include:

  • Compiler performance improvement: The latest version features a significant improvement in compiler performance, resulting in faster compile times. This means that application development can be much more efficient.
  • Ivy Updates: Ivy, Angular's rendering engine, has received several major updates. These include improvements to code generation and change detection, which contribute to a smoother user experience and greater efficiency in application performance.
  • Support for TypeScript 4.1: Angular v16 now supports TypeScript 4.1, allowing developers to use the latest features of the language.
  • New internationalization capabilities: Angular's ability to handle international applications has been improved, with new features to support pluralization and localization.

These are just some of the new features of Angular v16

Reactivity redesigned in Angular v16

One of the most significant changes in Angular v16 is the redesign of your reactivity system. Reactivity is a core feature of Angular that allows applications to respond efficiently to changes in user or system state. In version 16, Angular has completely overhauled this system to improve efficiency and ease of use.

This includes Change detection performance improvements, optimizing the way Angular handles state updates, and improving the tools available to developers to manage reactivity. The redesigned reactivity is a big step forward for Angular, providing developers more control and efficiency when building reactive applications.

Angular Signals in Angular v16


Angular Signals is a new concept introduced in Angular v16 that refers to a redesigned API for communication between components. This API provides a more efficient method for components to emit and receive signals, allowing a Smoother data flow and easier state management. Through Angular Signals, developers can emit signals from one component and subscribe to them in another, making it easy to coordinate actions and update component states. In short, Angular Signals is another step forward from Angular towards improving efficiency and state management in web applications.

Interoperability with RxJS in Angular v16

Angular v16 has improved interoperability with the RxJS library, a library for reactive programming using Observables, which is widely used in Angular to handle asynchronous events. In this version, Angular has optimized the way it interacts with RxJS, allowing more efficient handling of asynchronous data flows and providing more robust tools for creating and managing Observables.

This means that developers can take full advantage of the powerful features of RxJS, such as combining, transforming, and manipulating sequences of asynchronous items or callback events. In conclusion, the improved interoperability with RxJS in Angular v16 makes it easier to create more efficient and responsive applications.

Server-side rendering in Angular v16

With the launch of Angular v16, the server-side rendering (SSR) functionality has seen notable improvements. SSR is a technique that allows Angular applications to be rendered on the server, which can improve initial page loading speed and facilitate indexing by search engines. In Angular v16, the SSR process has been optimized to be more efficient and effective. Developers can expect faster loading times and greater efficiency in generating SEO previews.

Also, the SSR in Angular v16 is compatible with Ivy rendering engine, meaning developers can take advantage of all the benefits that Ivy offers, such as faster build times and more efficient change detection, while using the SSR functionality. Ultimately, the improvements to server-side rendering in Angular v16 make it an increasingly attractive option for developers looking to optimize the performance of your web applications.

Configuring Zone.js in Angular v16

Zone.js is a library that provides an asynchronous execution context that preserves stack awareness throughout asynchronous operations. Angular uses Zone.js for improve change detection, making it easy to automatically update the view when a component's state changes. In Angular v16, The interaction with Zone.js has been optimized to make it more efficient.

Setting up Zone.js can significantly impact the performance of your Angular app, so it's a good idea to fully understand its implications before modifying it. However, with Angular v16 optimization, you can expect Zone.js to run more efficiently and have less impact on the performance of your Angular application.

esbuild-based developer preview in Angular v16


En Angular v16, has been incorporated esbuild-based developer preview, a modern JavaScript and CSS compiler that significantly improves build times. This change represents a breakthrough in development process efficiency, since esbuild is known for its speed compared to other module packagers, such as Webpack.

It should be noted that esbuild is still in preview mode in Angular v16, so not all features may be fully stable or supported. However, Its inclusion marks an important step towards improving efficiency in Angular development processes..

Best Unit Testing with Jest and Web Test Runner in Angular v16

Autocomplete imports in templates is a long-awaited new feature in Angular v16. This functionality facilitates the development process by providing automatic suggestions for imports while you write code. With this feature, developers will no longer have to remember the exact path of each component, service or module that needs to be imported, since Angular will take care of autocompleting it. This improvement significantly streamlines the workflow, allowing developers to be more efficient and accurate in their coding.

Required inputs in Angular v16

En Angular v16, developers can now mark component entries as required. This feature is especially useful for components that require certain values ​​to function correctly. When marking an input as required, Angular will throw a development time error if the input is not provided, which may help prevent errors that could be difficult to detect at runtime. This advancement in Angular v16 improves the efficiency and reliability of the code, contributing to the development of more robust and error-proof applications.

Pass router data as component inputs in Angular v16

En Angular v16 A new feature is introduced that allows router data to be passed directly as component inputs. This simplifies data management in Angular applications, as developers can now map data directly from routes to component inputs, avoiding the need to manage data through services or complex component hierarchies. That results in a cleaner and easier to maintain code. However, it is important to remember that proper data handling is still essential for the proper functioning of an Angular application, even with this new feature.

Self-closing tags in Angular v16


A notable improvement in Angular v16 is the introduction of self-closing labels. This feature makes writing code easier by allowing the IDE to automatically close tags when you write HTML code to templates. When writing an opening tag, The editor will automatically generate the corresponding closing tag, helping to prevent errors and improve code writing efficiency. It is important to note that this feature can be of great help especially in large projects, where careful handling of the code is essential to maintain clarity and avoid potential problems.

Angular v16 update

To upgrade to Angular v16, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Update your version of Node.js: Angular v16 requires a version of Node.js that is at least 12.20.0. You can check your current version with the `node -v` command and update it if necessary.
  2. Install the latest Angular CLI: Run the command `npm install -g @angular/cli` to ensure you have the latest version of the Angular CLI.
  3. Update your Angular projects: Finally, you can update your projects to Angular v16 with the `ng update @angular/cli @angular/core` command.

This process should handle all necessary updates. However, it is always a good idea to review the release notes to find out about any changes that may affect your project.

In summary, Angular v16 offers a series of improvements and new features that seek to optimize performance, improve the efficiency of the development process and facilitate data management. However, upgrading to a new version can present challenges, especially in large, complex projects. At Devtop, we understand these challenges and we are here to help you. Our expert team can guide you through the process of upgrading to Angular v16, ensuring you make the most of the new features and improvements. With devtop, you can be sure that your Angular project is in expert hands.

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