Development of smart contracts on blockchain

The development of smart contracts is revolutionizing the way of doing business, automating processes and creating a more secure system for transactions. The smart contracts they offer many advantages over traditional paper-based contracts, including faster execution times, lower costs, and increased security. In this blog post, we will explore how smart contracts work and how they can be used to streamline business operations.

What is a smart contract


Smart contract development

This type of contract is characterized by its ability to execute and comply automatically, without requiring human intervention, since it operates according to a series of parameters previously established by the parties involved. Essentially a smart contract It is an agreement between two people or entities, embodied in computer code and designed to activate autonomously based on certain conditions.

El Smart contract development They represent a revolutionary advance in the world of agreements and transactions, by offering a reliable, secure and automated way of carrying out exchanges between two interested parties. These contracts are based on blockchain technology, which allows both the terms of the agreement and the related transactions to be stored in a decentralized database, making any type of alteration or manipulation practically impossible.

Furthermore, the use of blockchain automates and streamlines the process of payment and fulfillment of the counterparties, facilitating greater efficiency in the fulfillment of the obligations of each party. As a simple and everyday example, we can think of a vending machine: when you enter the money and select the desired product, a "smart contract" is automatically activated that processes the quantity and arranges for the delivery of the chosen product, without the need for manual intervention or risk. of mistake.

This technological innovation is transforming the way we carry out negotiations and transactions, promising an increasingly digitized and secure future.

Start of smart contracts

Smart contract development

The start of the smart contracts dates back to 1993, when the programmer Nick Szabo first proposed the idea of ​​establishing automated digital agreements. At that time, the available technology did not allow it to address the challenges posed by computer manipulation, regulatory restrictions on handling money, and linking software to real property or tangible assets.

It was not until the appearance of the chain of blocks and its distributed ledger that these issues could be resolved effectively. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, the blockchain became the basis for a decentralized internet, in which applications are regulated solely by the parties involved in each transaction.

These technological advances have allowed smart contracts evolve and optimize commercial and financial interactions in the digital era, consolidating itself as a fundamental tool in the current ecosystem of the global economy.

How is the process of smart contracts

The operation of a smart contract is similar to that of other blockchain transfers. For a smart contract to develop successfully, the following steps must be taken:

First step

A user who initiates a transaction on the blockchain begins by connecting his purse digital to the application, the most used wallet is Metamask. This allows you to securely store your cryptocurrency tokens. From there, you can create a smart contract to set the parameters of your transaction. This includes the type of currency they wish to use (BCT, ETH, LTC, ADA, BNB Faucet etc.)  the amount they wish to transfer and any other additional conditions

Second step

The transaction is then recorded by the distributed ledger and disseminated to the entire network of nodes, where each of them verifies its validity. This step is essential to ensure the credibility and security of transactions, as it prevents double spending or any other form of malicious manipulation.

Third step

Once the sender's identity is confirmed and all the conditions set out in the smart contract are met, the transaction is approved and completed. This process unlocks access to assets or services and initiates a secure transfer of funds from the sender to the recipient. Depending on the type of currency used, the transfer can occur almost instantly between the wallets or take longer.

Fourth step

The transaction includes a bar code which defines the specific terms and conditions of the agreement, including the type and amount of currency to be transferred, any additional conditions or restrictions, as well as any actions that must be taken in response to specified events. The code also specifies the rules for the execution of the transaction, ensuring that all parties involved are responsible for their obligations.

Fifth step

Transactions are added to the blockchain in the form of “blocks“. Each block contains a set of transaction records, as well as a cryptographic hash that links it to the previous block. This binding ensures that all transactions are valid and that no malicious tampering has occurred. The cryptographic hash also serves as a timestamp, providing an immutable record of when each transaction was made.

Sixth step

Any change in the status of the contract it also follows the same execution process. The initiator of the proposed changes must provide their digital wallet credentials and authorize an update to the smart contract, which is recorded in the distributed ledger system. All nodes in the network will verify the validity of the proposed changes before they can be accepted and executed.

Smart contract development

Smart contract development

It's a complex process, and requires expertise in multiple areas, from coding and cryptography to the blockchain regulatory environment. As technology continues to evolve, more applications are being developed that allow companies to take advantage of its potential benefits. Perhaps most important is that the smart contracts They offer an unprecedented level of trust and security in digital transactions, guaranteeing that all parties involved in a contract are responsible for their obligations.

To ensure the success of any smart contract, companies need to carefully consider all of the steps mentioned and plan accordingly. As new tools and techniques are developed, this process is likely to become even more streamlined and secure.

Harnessing the power of tecnología blockchain, companies can make use of smart contracts to improve operational efficiency, reduce transaction costs and ensure the security of their digital transactions.

The result is a more secure and efficient system that allows businesses to remain competitive in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape. Undoubtedly, the development of smart contracts It is here to stay, and its potential to revolutionize our world has only just begun.

Example of use of smart contracts

DeFi protocols

These digital mechanisms are being increasingly adopted in the field of decentralized finance (DeFi). In this context, smart contracts allow the creation of a wide variety of financial products, such as loans, term deposits, liquidity pools and exchange of digital assets. Beyond their ability to automate processes and operations, these DeFi protocols offer significant advantages by eliminating intermediaries, reducing costs, and increasing accessibility to financial services.

Additionally, the security and transparency provided by blockchain technology ensures that all parties involved in a transaction can trust the accurate and fair execution of the terms set out in the smart contract. Ultimately, the mass adoption of smart contracts in the DeFi ecosystem is laying the foundations for the creation of a new, more efficient and equitable financial paradigm.

Supply chain

Smart contracts, or smart contracts, are revolutionizing the way supply chains operate in the digital world. Thanks to Internet of Things (IoT) technology, these devices allow a traceability and detailed monitoring of each of the steps that a product goes through on its journey, from its manufacture to its final delivery.

Through this meticulous supervision, it is possible to minimize the possibility of errors, theft and loss, significantly improving efficiency and security in all logistics processes involved in the supply chain. In this sense, the use of smart contracts it becomes an indispensable tool for any modern organization that seeks to optimize its operations and guarantee customer satisfaction.


Smart contracts play an important role in the insurance industry by streamlining and automating processes that are traditionally expensive and require a lot of management. One of the most notable examples of its application in this area is in the handling of claims and claims processing.

Thanks to the implementation of these contracts in the chain of blocks, it is possible to quickly and efficiently determine the amounts to be paid according to the type of policy and the specific conditions of the claim. This benefits both insurance companies and customers, who can experience greater transparency and speed in the resolution of their claims.


Smart contracts are generating a change in the functioning of companies, by harnessing the power of information. tecnología blockchain, companies can make use of smart contracts to increase operational efficiency, reduce transaction costs and ensure the security of their digital transactions.

As more organizations adopt this innovative approach to doing business, it is clear that the development of smart contracts is here to stay and that its potential to transform our world has only just begun. As we move into a new era defined by automation, secure transactions and efficient operations enabled by these digital mechanisms will become increasingly commonplace. Would you like to join blockchain technology? ohWith Devtop you can achieve it!

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