Development company

Blockchain technology is changing the world as we know it. Its various uses have made companies adapt their processes to the blockchain, in order to improve their internal processes, generating faster, more profits and cost reduction. Do you know what you can do with the blockchain?

At DEVTOP we provide developers specialized in blockchain, a technology that was born hand in hand with cryptocurrencies and that today has expanded its uses to impressive levels.

What is the Blockchain or block chains?

This is a technology based on decentralized and public operations that generates a shared database to which its users have access, allowing the tracking of transactions that have been made.

The Blockchain or chain of blocks could be compared to a huge accounting book, which cannot be modified, but can be shared with all its users, who add more and more data to it.

These premises make blockchain technology reliable and secure, especially when making transactions.

for the Blockchain

Finance: With the blockchain, companies will be able to redefine financial transactions, from payments for products and services, to loans and negotiations. All this thanks to the transparency and reliability of the blockchain.

Identity: Each user has a unique identity in the blockchain, which is almost impossible to copy or violate, also allowing the transactions made from said profile to be tracked.

Supply chain: Moving products from production to customer is much easier if it is anchored to the blockchain.

Decentralized Applications (DApps): The possibility of developing decentralized applications to integrate them into existing business systems, where each company can take advantage of the environment provided by the blockchain.

Cut intermediary expenses: It is possible to develop public and private blockchains for applications that allow the exchange of data, status updates, payments and other necessary information, without financial restrictions and without intermediaries, cutting expenses considerably.

DEVTOP's specialized blockchain developers are capable of creating custom Blockchain applications that integrate with business systems.

In addition, DEVTOP has a team capable of improving and renewing existing blockchain systems or building a Blockchain solution from scratch. The idea is to promote business growth to establish improved business models thanks to blockchain algorithms.

Solutions in Strategic Blockchain

DEVTOP's specialized Blockchain developers can provide the solutions your company needs. Among the solutions we provide are:

Smart contracts

We develop intelligent contracts or Smart Contracts that provide decentralized web solutions, especially for the finance, health care, e-commerce, supply chain, real estate and gaming markets. 


Web3 is considered the future of the Internet, where users and developers are owners thanks to the implementation of tokens and anchoring to the blockchain. DEVTOP's team of developers is prepared to integrate any activity within Web3.


The DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), allow organizations to organize and operate. This is because they use Smart Contracts and blockchain technology to streamline processes by providing transparency, autonomy and security. 

Blockchain Consulting

Do you need advice on blockchain projects? Not sure what type of service is best suited to your company? At DEVTOP we provide personalized consulting to clarify all doubts regarding the blockchain, in addition to presenting possible solutions that can be implemented in your company.


CREATING NFT marketplace and tokenization projects through secure platforms and decentralized smart contracts. Our specialized Blockchain developers can create showcases with the main NFTs that are traded. They are also able to "tokenize" the items they deem necessary.

wallet crypto

We develop Custom cryptocurrency wallets for your project, totally decentralized and with the capacity to receive fees for all the transactions that are generated within, it also allows integration with external platforms such as NFT marketplace, Exchanges, among others.

of smart contracts with Solidity

Solidity, the programming language specialized in smart contracts for various blockchain platforms. Solidity's syntax is based on ECMAScript, and similar to other languages ​​such as JavaScript and C, but with the difference of implementing strong typing when declaring the type of variables and arguments. This is so to guarantee the rigor of the contract.

We develop Smart contracts using different types of standards, such as: ERC-721, ERC-1155, ERC-20, BEP-20, among others.  

solidity developer

Hire a developer Blockchain

If you want your company to join the blockchain, at DEVTOP we are willing to accompany you throughout this process, since we have professional developers specialized in blockchain.

For hours

Hire a specialized hourly developer for your project, paying only for the hours used in development.

Part Time

Hire a specialized part-time developer for your project, exclusively dedicated half-time throughout the month.

Full time

Hire a specialized developer Full time for your projects, you will have 160 hours per month for assignments.


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