Dynamic NFT

What is a dynamic NFT?

Have you heard of Dynamic NFTs? Dynamic NFTs are the latest development in the world of digital collectible tokens and offer new and exciting possibilities. In this blog post, we'll explore what exactly makes Dynamic NFTs so special and how they could revolutionize the way people use digital assets. In this article we will explain everything about them, continue reading!

What are Dynamic NFTs

Dynamic NFT

Dynamic NFTs are an interesting subcategory of NFTs that have the ability to change their characteristics when certain conditions are met. An integral part of the characteristics of dynamic NFTs is contained in their metadata; this data stores essential information about the updatable aspects of the token, ranging from names and descriptions to even specific attributes related to the nature of the NFT.

For example, a game NFT's metadata can store traits like strength or toughness, while art tokens have metadata that can display the colors and accessories used in the artwork.

The advent of Dynamic NFTs (dNFTs), enabled through the use of oracles, has revolutionized the non-fungible token market. Oracles help dynamic non-fungible tokens (dNFTs) interact with the outside world, allowing them to adapt and mutate based on external elements.

Although dNFTS can provide information about the ownership of collectibles in a blockchain decentralized and immutable, its true power lies in its ability to retrieve and then apply external data from its environment. This adaptive characteristic of dNFTs makes them a much safer and more valuable asset compared to traditional NFTs. As a result, this cutting-edge technology is gaining traction and displacing traditional NFTs thanks to its cross-functional approach.

Do you differentiate between Dynamic Tokens and Static Tokens?

Most people associate the concept of NFTs with images and artwork, but the real NFT lies in the code and unique identifier generated for the exact token. Dynamic NFTs are (Non-Fungible Tokens) whose characteristics can change due to certain events or occurrences, regardless of their perception by the viewer.

They are often referred to as “live” NFTs, and their value and demand can fluctuate based on their changes. By contrast, Static NFTs do not alter their character and can be a still or moving image, such as a GIF or video. To qualify as dynamic, an NFT must have the ability to transition from one state to another; this could detail its metadata or just how it is perceived.

How Dynamic NFTs work

Dynamic Non-Fungible Tokens (dNFTs) use a smart contract that allows the token data to be changed. The smart contract contains instructions that require the approval of all participating parties to be executed. Once this approval is granted, the new NFT metadata is recorded in the blockchain and are visible for everyone to review.

As it changes, so does their ownership status, allowing owners to get the most out of their dNFT using platforms like games, digital artworks, and even dynamic collectibles with multiple sets of embedded metadata. These tokens are also beneficial for developers and investors who want to build dynamic token applications or come up with creative ways to monetize digital collectibles.

Examples of dynamic NFTs in today's market

dnft 2 What is a dynamic NFT?


Dynamic NFTs offer a unique and powerful tool to enhance the gaming experience. Their ability to change in response to user behavior or contextual changes makes them invaluable for creating the sense of game progress that is essential for keeping players engaged.

Using an ERC-1155 token standard, developers can easily create dynamic NFTs to represent characters as avatars that update over time in response to gaining in-game experience, resulting in physical and statistical changes over the course of the game. game. This opens up new avenues of creative design possibilities to ensure players stay entertained and engaged throughout their gaming session.

An example of Dynamic NFTs applied to the game would be Otherside Metaverse. Idealized by the same creators of the collection of NFT Bored Ape Yacht Club, Otherside Metaverse offers an interesting example of dynamic NFT applications for virtual worlds. The project contains 100 terrestrial NFTs called Otherdeeds, which can be dynamically modified using a smart contract.

In-game land owners can make additional developments that transform their features and increase the value of their collectibles. In this way, users have control over the future value of their land, as well as the possibility of immersing themselves in a unique virtual reality like no other seen before.


Dynamic NFT applications can have a whole host of potential uses ranging from digital ID cards to passports. With its dynamic nature, changes such as a person's place of residence or marital status could be instantly updated on the blockchain, without the need to replace physical documents.

This would make it easier for people to securely maintain accurate identities while having access to multiple services or marketplaces around the world. This technology has the potential to revolutionize international identification systems and provide people with a secure means of accessing goods and services internationally.


Dynamic NFTs allow digital artists to further expand their creative potential. By leveraging real-time data, they are able to encode changes within their artwork, adding a layer of transience that embraces the traditional Japanese aesthetic of wabi-sabi. Thanks to this technology, these works of art can take different forms depending on external factors such as weather or season, amplifying their uniqueness and providing the public with a constantly evolving experience.

An excellent example would be the collection jacksonnft, which is leading the trend for dynamic and generative NFT apps, having sold out within minutes of its launch in July 2022. What makes this collection especially remarkable is that with each new minting, a brushstroke is added to all the apps. existing tiles, creating a true collaborative work of art.

This type of innovation is setting the standard for what can be achieved with non-expendable tokens, with glimpses of possibilities including dynamic art exhibits or even metaverse-style properties that generate content from users.

virtual real estate

Developing dynamic NFT applications for virtual real estate is an exciting prospect. Through the use of this technology, users will be able to obtain more precise information about their properties or the ones they wish to buy, such as price, age and ownership.

By using the power of Dynamic NFTs, the data associated with a given virtual property can be constantly updated, ensuring potential buyers always receive the most up-to-date and accurate information. This can create a more transparent and secure way for users to keep track of their assets and maximize their profit in a volatile market.


One of the most practical applications of Dynamic NFTs (dNFTs) is sports. Since the success of the NBA Top Shot Collection in 2021, the community is eager to use these digital tokens to invest and tokenize their favorite teams and players. For example, some collections are changing the properties of their tokens based on player performance, so an NFT becomes more valuable if they happen to do well in a match.

This is boosting investor confidence in dNFT projects and bringing innovative projects like The NFTs Association, where shares can be transferred to specific sports games for future use and trade. With Dynamic NFTs, we are witnessing a revolution in sports tokenization that brings new opportunities to fans around the world.


Dynamic NFTs are revolutionizing the way we interact with digital assets and virtual worlds. Its ability to evolve based on real world events opens up a world of possibilities, from tokenized sports games to safer travel experiences.

With each new project that is launched in this field, we are witnessing an evolution that could have far-reaching implications for the way we use blockchain technology in our daily lives. As dynamic NFT projects continue to expand across various sectors, it will be interesting to see what other innovations emerge as a result. If you are interested in creating your own dNFT collection, do not hesitate to contact us.